Welcome to the IES Francisco Javier de Burgos Bilingual Program´s class Blog! . This year you are going to learn the Natural Science in English. This blog has been created for helping you in your learning. Here you can find information, link... that complement our in-class coursework . You can also access to the activity book from the list on the left. Thanks for visiting and remember to check the blog regularly and contribute.

sábado, 6 de abril de 2013


This Project belongs to the Aldea Programme. Aldea is an environmental educational programme of  the educational community  of the Andalusia Government.
The objectives of the Caring for the Coast Programme are that our students  are in touch with their coast in order to know its wealth, the causes of its degradation and the attitudes and behaviour which can contribute its conservation.
The  Andalusian students from different schools will assess the state of the environment state in all the Andalusia coasts. Students will do a day of coast watch. That day the students will travel around the beach in little stretches of 500 m and they will  fill in a  survey about the state of the coast. At the same time, the students will clear the beach of plastics and bottles.
1.     Step 1.
2.     Step 2. ( 05/03/2013 at 9:15 )
3.     Step 3 (07/03/2013 at 8:15- 9:00)
The teacher will divide the student into five groups. Each group will inspect  a stretch and it will have at least one responsible teacher.
 The responsible teachers will hand out the materials necessary to do the activity.
4.     Step 4 (07/03/13 at 9:00)
Students and teachers will  travel by bus  to the beach which will then be inspected.
5.     Step 5 (07/03/13 at 9:30)
Not only will the groups inspect and fill in the survey, they will also clear the beach of plastics, papers   and glass.
6.     Step 6(07/03/13 at 14:00)
Return to school
7.     Step 7 (08/03/13 at 11:45)
Students will write their conclusions about the state of the coast in group.
8.     Step 8 (before 30/03/13)
The program coordinator will send the surveys to the Environment Agency of Andalusia Government. 

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